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The Power of Extracurricular Activities: How Joining Clubs Can Shape Your Abbey Experience

The Abbey had its annual club fair where students showcased an impressive array of clubs, from Model UN to French Club to Star Wars RPG Club. This served as a reminder of the multiple benefits that extracurricular activities can bring to our school lives.

One of the most significant advantages of joining clubs is the opportunity to learn new things. Whether it’s mastering diplomacy in Model UN or exploring the rich cultures of the world in Cultural Appreciation Club, these activities provide a platform for personal growth. An anonymous sophomore shares, “In Barbecue Club I learned the intricacies of preparing protein-filled delicacies with my upperclassmen peers.” Paul Ritacco III, ’24 adds, “In Book Club I have learned how to manage a group of middle schoolers as the only high schooler-- it’s a handy skill that has been helpful for my leadership roles in Boy Scouts.”

Furthermore, joining clubs serves as a chance to make new friends in different grades. Clubs like Academic Center offer a welcoming space for students with the shared goal of completing their homework. As Morgan Lloyd, ’26, an active member of the Academic Center, puts it, "Joining the Academic Center introduced me to a whole new group of middle schoolers who all come there to improve their time management. It's not just about the homework; it's about the community."

The power of clubs lies in the diverse knowledge and experiences their members bring. In each club, you'll find individuals who can teach you something, whether it's a new fact about a Spanish painter in Quizbowl or how to write code in Programming Club. Collaborating with others in a club fosters personal development and enriches your education.

Clubs aren't just after-school requirements; they are communities that can shape your high school journey in profound ways. They offer opportunities to create lasting memories, develop friendships, learn new skills, and broaden your horizons. Find a club that resonates with you and let it be your gateway to an enriching experience at the Abbey.