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Note From the Editor-in-Chief

Dear Priory Press Readers,

As the release of the Spring 2024 Edition of the Priory Press coincides with the end of instruction for juniors and seniors, I wish you all the best of luck in your upcoming exams, in addition to those taking theirs in late May. I hope in between these pages you will discover myriad opportunities to enjoy more outside-the-box applications of the knowledge within your books, or websites, from discussions about Bitcoin, to insights into sports, all the way up through ways to holistically improve your experience at the Abbey; before you is much to be entertained with and much to grow by. 

In that spirit and in honor of our pursuit of including more voices covering a vast range of topics important to Abbey students, the 2024 Fall Edition of the Priory Press will introduce a new schema and rubric. In addition to the usual categories such as investigative, creative, and athletic, customary to the Priory Press, you will be able to find sections devoted to unique subject areas divided by the Humanities, Divinities, Soft Sciences, and Hard Sciences. We hope that this offers a space for Abbey students to share personal research, independent study projects, or even a sturdy creative license for anyone wanting to pursue a personal academic passion. What’s more, following our ideal of uplifting further “voices”, the next edition of the Priory Press will be accepting recorded interviews and certain auditory articles which will be placed in our online edition with links in our physical version: more information will be released about our inclusion of this new medium in future editions at the start of the coming year.

After seven years of working for the middle school newspaper and high school Priory Press, I am thrilled to hear about the plans of our long-time and recently recruited editors and authors to continue the Priory Press’ legacy of invitation and adaptation according to the ideas and aspirations of our contributors and readers. Though I will not be able to witness the behind-the-scenes work going into these critical future editions, I have great confidence in our team, especially in Yitong, the new Editor-in-Chief, and the institution of the Priory Press which has guided me in my abilities to craft articles which have let me chase after my creativity allowing the reader to be mesmerized with intrigue upon viewing the thaumaturgy. Via critical analyses of the ancient Italians preceding the Romans, explorations into who the first Europeans to land in America really were, and creative narratives of escapes from the Eastern Bloc, I could not have asked for a more fulfilling Biblical eternity!

Thank you again to Mr. Morse and Ms. Kelly, our faculty advisors!


Aiden Wetterhan